Price list

Within this page you will find all the information regarding the price of admission, both to the gymnasium and separately to the fitness center. At the same time, you will find a price list of gymnastics classes and a price list for renting a gymnastics hall. Prices are only indicative. They depend on the following factors: - Number of participants, - Number of coaches present, or even on whether it is a one-time or regular rental. The prices of gymnastics courses for individual coaches may vary, mainly depending on the number and length of sessions, and are therefore not listed here.

Gymnastic hall

Entrance to the gym
200 CZK/ person / 1.5 hod
CZK 50 is charged for each additional started half hour beyond the entrance fee
1200 CZK / month
valid on working days for 1.5 hours, permanent passes cannot be used during the weekend


Gymnastic preparation

During exercise 1 × week
CZK 4000 / half-year
During exercise 2 × week
CZK 7000 / half-year
During exercise 3 × week
CZK 9000 / half-year

Gym rental

For up to 20 people
approx. 2000 CZK / hour
It is always necessary to arrange in advance, preferably to , it is not about renting the whole gym, but about using the gym for large groups in times outside of training. peak.

Coach services

The prices of our coaches' services are individual.
It always depends on whether it is a personal training or a group exercise. If you are interested in private lessons, contact us by email to


Thank you for being with us and supporting our sports activities.

Project: TJ - Hradčany - Extension of the gymnastics hall

is co-financed from the budget of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 13353 Support of the material and technical base of sport 2017-2024, under the identification number 133D531008009 in the amount of CZK 19,999,960. It is also supported & nbsp; from the budget of the Capital City of Prague, from the program Support of sport and physical education in the capital. the City of Prague for the period 2018-2020 II.A.1, under the number DOT / 64/01/006219/2018 in 2018 in the amount of CZK 7,500,000 & nbsp; and in 2019 also in the amount of CZK 7,500,000.
ID: 14891085
Diskařská 249/1, 118 00 Praha 1
 (reception hall) 
MO - FRI 8 AM- 7 PM
(don't call on the weekend !!!)
8.00–14.30      (up to 18 years only with a coach)
18.40–20.00    all
8.00–14.30      (up to 18 years only with a coach)
18.40–20.00    all
8.00–14.30      (up to 18 years only with a coach)
18.40–20.00    all
8.00–14.30      (up to 18 years only with a coach)
18.40–20.00    all
8.00–13.00      (up to 18 years only with a coach)
16.00-19.00     all
13.00–16.00     all
11.00–15.00     all
The training time for the public is a maximum of 1.5 hours. The time is calculated from arrival at the reception until leaving. Admission to the gym is CZK 200 and CZK 50 is charged for each additional half hour started.

Youth aged 15-18 are allowed to enter the gym (without a trainer/supervisor of a person over 18) only with a completed confirmation - download here:
For children under the age of 15, entry is only allowed with a coach or under the supervision of a person over the age of 18.